Roblox is one of the most popular online games in the world, with millions of players logging in every day. The game has spawned many memes and has become a playground of creativity for young people and adults alike. But what does it take to be a successful Roblox player?
I decided to dive deeply into this wildly creative and imaginative game and develop a list of 34 rules to keep in mind while you’re playing, including the most important one, rule 34. These rules will help you have more, create better games, and much more.

So without further ado, here are the 34 rules for success in Roblox!
The 34 Rules for Success Playing Roblox
These rules are in no particular order except for rule 34, which is the last and essential law.
- Make sure you have a clear understanding of the game you’re playing. Read the game’s wiki, watch tutorial videos, and ask questions in the game’s forums.
- Find a good server to play on. Avoid servers with high ping, cheaters, or griefers.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. There are plenty of friendly players and staff members who are happy to help newbies.
- Follow the server’s rules. Most servers have specific rules that must be followed to avoid being banned.
- Don’t spam or flood the chat. This will only annoy other players and is a sure way to kick yourself off the server.
- Don’t be a troll. This includes harassing other players, starting arguments, and being a nuisance.
- Be respectful of other players’ privacy. Don’t ask for personal information such as addresses or phone numbers.
- Don’t engage in illegal activity, such as hacking or account trading. Not only is this against the game’s rules, but it can also get you banned from the server.
- Don’t scam other players. This includes trying to sell them fake items, promising rewards you don’t intend to give, and generally taking advantage of other players’ trust.
- Don’t advertise other websites or products in the chat. This is considered spam and is not allowed on most servers.
- Keep your language clean. Swearing and other offensive language are not tolerated on most servers.
- Don’t beg for free items or money. Not only is it annoying, but also against most servers’ rules.
- Don’t impersonate other players or staff members. This includes using similar names, avatars, and usernames to trick other players.
- Don’t use multiple accounts. Most servers only allow one account per player, and using multiple accounts is a sure way to get yourself banned.
- Don’t cheat. This includes using exploits, hacking, and other methods of cheating. Not only is it against the rules, but it’s also not fair to other players.
- Don’t grief. This includes destroying other players’ creations, stealing their items, and making life difficult for other players.
- Don’t exploit bugs. If you find a bug in the game, report it to the developers instead of using it to your advantage.
- Don’t be a know-it-all. Nobody likes a player who is constantly bragging about their skills or knowledge.
- Don’t be disrespectful to other players or staff members. This includes using offensive language, making threats, and being rude to them in the game or on their official Twitter account.
- Don’t AFK farm. This includes using bots or other methods to farm items or money while AFK. It’s unfair to other players and is often against the rules of most servers.
- Don’t spam votes. This includes voting for yourself or other players in an attempt to rig the vote.
- Don’t manipulate votes. This includes voting for or against players based on personal biases instead of their skills or contributions to the server.
- Don’t abuse powers. This includes using your abilities to harm other players, grief, or otherwise make life difficult for other players.
- Don’t be a sore loser. Nobody likes a player who throws tantrums or is otherwise unpleasant to be around when they lose.
- Don’t be a sore winner. Nobody likes a player who rubs their victory in other players’ faces or is otherwise unpleasant to be around when they win.
- Don’t brag about your kills. This includes posting your kill/death ratio in the chat and bragging about how many players you’ve killed.
- Don’t beg for items or money. This includes asking other players for free items or money. It’s annoying and is often against most servers’ rules.
- Don’t give false information. This includes lying about your age, skills, or experience. It’s misleading and is often against most servers’ rules.
- Don’t make promises you can’t keep. This includes saying you’ll do something for other players and then not following through. It’s dishonest and is often against most servers’ rules.
- Don’t be rude to other players. This includes using offensive language, making personal attacks, and being disrespectful.
- Don’t spam the chat. This includes posting the same message over and over and advertising other websites or products. It’s annoying and is often against most servers’ rules.
- Don’t advertise other servers. This is considered cheating and is against most servers’ rules.
- Don’t use hacks or other exploits. This is considered cheating and is against most servers’ rules.
- Follow the server’s rules. Each server has rules, so make sure you know what they are before joining. Breaking the rules will often result in a ban from the server.
Closing Thoughts

Following the 34 rules for success outlined in this article is a surefire way to make your time on Roblox more enjoyable for you and those around you. Not only will you be less likely to get banned from servers, but you’ll also be more likely to make friends and have fun while playing the game. Do your best to remember these rules, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a successful Roblox player in no time!