Cybersecurity Threats Expected In 2023

Cybersecurity threats are still a significant issue not just for businesses but for every Internet user out there. Cyberattacks can destroy data, disrupting operations within an organization and leading to financial and emotional consequences. And as time goes by, they are becoming more and more sophisticated, so staying vigilant is imperative. That said, you should keep up to date with the latest cybersecurity threats and take proactive steps to stay safe and prevent potential disasters. Attacks go in and out of fashion all the time, so to protect yourself, you must learn what’s currently in vogue. Here are the top cybersecurity threats to watch out for in 2023.


Malware is malicious software that disrupts your computer once injected into the system. While in the 1980s, malware was considered only a nuisance, it has now become a major threat that can cause significant damage to corporations and school children. Organizations are increasingly turning to advanced strategies like Bishop Fox red teaming to combat these evolving threats. This approach involves simulating sophisticated cyber attacks to test and enhance the organization’s defenses against real-world threats, including malware. Malware can deny access to your files by encrypting them, displaying popup messages on your computer screen, or corrupting your system installation – the outcomes are only limited by cybercriminals’ imagination. 

With tools like red teaming, organizations gain a proactive stance, identifying vulnerabilities before they can be exploited and ensuring that defenses keep pace with the ever-changing tactics of bad actors. Nowadays, malware can enter your system through different means, from email attachments and instant messages to social media and Xbox games. Even if IT departments are fighting against this threat through security software and firewalls, bad actors keep evolving tactics to get what they want.


Ransomware is malware that encrypts your data, thus making it impossible for you to access it. In 2022, ransomware attacks have increased by 33% compared to 2021. During a ransomware attack, bad actors threaten victims to publish sensitive information unless they pay a ransom fee. Many organizations pay the required amount to regain access to their systems, only to experience another ransomware attack again. This is a costly cyber threat that damages companies’ image considerably. Ransomware attacks don’t only occur on PCs; they have now moved to devices like tablets, mobile phones, and even smart TVs. Sadly, the trend isn’t likely to go anywhere since more and more devices are connected to the Internet. In fact, it is estimated that by 2023, more than half of the ransomware attacks will happen on IoT devices.

Data breaches

Data breaches will continue to pose serious risks in the years to come. Thus, companies must strengthen their cybersecurity measures to avoid the devastating consequences of a data breach. Expecting data breaches to decrease is unrealistic, considering that the issue is only growing. That said, there are various ways to protect yourself from this threat, such as using antivirus software, creating complex passwords, using multi-factor authentication, etc. However, if you do fall victim to a data breach, it’s essential to know that you may be entitled to claim compensation. The harm of such a cyberattack is major; in the case of identity theft, for instance, you could experience a lot of emotional distress. The effects could even go as far as affecting your working life and relationships. You can check online resources like to learn more about data breach compensation.

IoT attacks

IoT has become more prevalent in today’s market – 61% of organizations were using the technology in 2020 alone, and the percentage is likely to grow considerably in the future. More precisely, around 24 billion connected things are estimated by 2023, including vehicles, buildings, appliances, and other objects with sensors that can be used to collect data. There’s no doubt that IoT technology is revolutionary and transforms everyday life considerably. But at the same time, it comes with security risks that can impact sectors like healthcare and transportation. Unfortunately, IoT vendors don’t provide devices with strong security, but you can prevent an attack by dedicating a separate router for your IoT devices and using multi-factor authentication.

Data poisoning

Many companies are now integrating AI into their operations, and this technology will likely bring many opportunities to businesses in different sectors in the following years. Sadly, hackers are well-aware of this, too, and they won’t miss any chance to take advantage of AI’s increasing popularity. Data poisoning has already started to pose threats to AI systems. This attack can cause significant damage, and it takes minimal effort to do so; a bad actor infiltrates a machine learning database and inserts as much misleading data as possible. As a consequence, the results of an AI inquiry will end up being inaccurate. Data poisoning is a new type of attack that threatens corporate systems, and it’s imperative to protect against it by constantly tracking your AI results.


You most likely received at least once a suspicious email or, worst case, an email that looks legitimate when it’s not. This is commonly known as phishing, a type of cyberattack that involves hackers pretending to impersonate someone else in order to steal your personal information. Phishing poses significant risks for companies, as unsuspecting employees can quickly fall victim to this attack and, as such, click on bogus emails that include a virus. By 2023, many phishing cases are expected, with email messages remaining among the most popular means for hackers to carry out this attack.

Cloud security threats

Thanks to the cloud, you can access your data from anywhere in the world. However, as much of an advantage it brings, the cloud makes it easier for bad actors to access your data. 27% of companies relying on this technology have experienced a breach in the past 12 months, and these security threats will only rise in the future. Cloud breaches happen because of the following:

  • Exploited vulnerabilities;
  • Incorrect data sharing;
  • Compromised credentials;
  • Inaccurate configurations.

It’s imperative to implement adequate security practices like rechecking your cloud configuration and using encryption and multi-factor authentication.

Individuals and businesses are increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks

Technology shapes today’s world, connecting almost everything to the Internet. So, it’s no surprise that businesses and individuals are vulnerable to all kinds of malicious activities. As technology keeps evolving, so do these attacks, so it’s paramount to understand the threats and look for ways to increase your security in order to minimize your chances of falling victim to them.




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