Travis Air Base To Show Drones for 4th of July Celebrations

With Fourth of July just around the corner, hotspots all over the United States are gearing up for the event. A prime staple in this particular celebration is the grand fireworks display held at the eve of the holiday. But with the recent trend in drone displays, more and more places are cashing in.

Travis Air Base Celebration:

The Travis Air Force Base in Fairland, California will use drones instead of fireworks this coming Fourth of July. This was mentioned at a recent press release regarding the area’s plans for the holiday. The base teams up with software giant Intel and their Shooting Star drones to light up the sky for the event.

A total of 500 Shooting Star drones are expected to appear in the celebration. These drones will then perform aerial routines and patterns instead of the usual fireworks presentation. The event not only will be for the Fourth of July celebrations. It will also coincide with the base’s 75th anniversary celebration.

This event at the Travis Air Force Base is one of the many growing number of places preferring drones over fireworks. In previous articles, we talked about several places in Aspen, Colorado opting for the very same Shooting Star Drones. The 2018 Winter Olympics in South Korea, is another example. Coachella 2018 also opted for drone use.

Yes, it seems drone use is a global trend, growing leaps and bounds with every celebration. Drones have a number of positives that fireworks do not. Drones do not have loud noises, a staple in firework detonation. They also do not have smoke or gas, which can be a burden for spectators. Patterns in the sky also last longer for drones. Where fireworks’ patterns only last seconds at a time, drones can do it over a few minutes.

It truly is the next big step in night time celebrations. They can even use drones indoors, which eliminates weather challenges altogether.




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