Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your First Trade Show

If you’ve never experienced a tech-related trade show before, you’re in for a treat. Attending a trade show is a wonderful way to see what’s new in the world of technology, exchange ideas with others and even showcase some of your own products. However, attending a trade show can also be overwhelming. Many of the larger events include tens of thousands of visitors, so it’s important to be prepared so you can make the most of your limited time.

Determine Your Goals

Before you arrive at the trade show, take some time to think about what would make the event successful for you. If you’re exhibiting a project, you might set a goal of handing out 1,000 brochures. If you’re attending to get new ideas, you could decide to visit at least 20 booths. If you’re simply attending for fun, you could even focus on winning some booth giveaways!

By taking the time to think of a few goals, you can better focus your time. There’s so much at a trade show that will grab your attention, but you don’t want to sacrifice what’s most important to you just because something is interesting.


One of the best things about attending a technology trade show is the ability to network with hundreds or even thousands of technology professionals in one location. Although the trade show is all about technology, you’ll benefit by making your day all about the people.

If you’re interested in promoting your product or business, have plenty of business cards handy. You never know when the guy you’re talking to in line or the woman you meet in the lobby might be just the person you need to advance your career.

Have Fun

Whether you’re attending as a visitor or exhibitor, don’t forget to have fun! Attending your first technology trade show is an occasion you will always remember. Thinking about your goals and taking the time to network is important, but don’t create a schedule that is packed to the brim with activities for every minute.

Instead, plan some downtime into your day. Use this time to get visitors excited about your booth giveaways, check out the latest and greatest tech gadgets or have a long conversation with the professionals in the booth next to you. When you’re genuinely enjoying yourself, your enthusiasm will be contagious to everyone you meet.




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