Tips And Ideas To Build A Film Research Paper

Films always fascinate people, as many facets interest different people and sects. Henceforth, people look to study them closely and try to define the world of cinema as art. The lighting, philosophy, colors, and story can come to light when a director puts everything in order.

Consequently, when you begin the research, you must have critical thinking, creativity, and understanding of films. To put the lives of Kiarostami, Kurosawa, Bertolucci, Ray, and Scorsese, you need ideas to build a film research paper. You require a topic, research materials, theories, and an assessment to conclude.

Therefore, in the next section, we will discuss tips and ideas to help you build the perfect film studies paper to get your Ph.D. from the university. Also, it assists you in publishing the paper to build a better CV. So, kindly shift to the next section to brainstorm new ideas.

Tips And Ideas To Build A Good Film Studies Paper

Cinema is a spectacle for everyone. It gives delight, a sense of sorrow, fear, and so on. Therefore, people look to dissect films like scientists do in the lab and then try to come up with a conclusion.

Also, people look to explain films through different lenses and theoretical perspectives. That way, they can add more colors to cinema and enable generations to come to study cinema in a very broad way.

Here are a few tips and ideas that you can include for your dissertation on films, as said by a popular dissertation writing service.

1. Choose A Film or Director That Interests You

The first and foremost thing that you need to do is select films or directors whose work you want to explore. You can explore surrealism to the realism of The Pianist to explore cultural roots in the making of Scorcese and Denzel’s films.

Hence, it would help if you chose what interests you. We mean the different genres of films that you love, and you look to dissect them for broader understanding. For that, you need to watch many movies and sort list some of them to reach one point, which you can discuss further in the paper.

2. Conduct A Proper Research

Another thing that you need to do is conduct proper research on the internet. This is because you need to find the research gap and determine what research you want. Therefore, you need to research some papers on Google Scholar and JSTOR, where you can read previous research work.

Once you find the research gap, you can set the study’s objectives. Also, it would help if you watched the movie or movies properly. Furthermore, it would help if you learned more about the film and its filmmaking process. It will give you a better understanding of the film and its implementation on the big screen.

3. Developing A Good Thesis Statement

One of the things that is significant is to direct the reader through the paper. The process starts with an introduction, where you must give a synopsis of the whole paper. This is because, with a preview, readers will get clarity before getting to the analysis part.

Therefore, the experts suggest students write a brilliant thesis statement. This will direct the readers to what you seek to showcase in the paper. Consequently, it will give the reader an idea, which will help them understand as they move from one section to another. Moreover, your thesis statement should be clear, concise, and argumentative. You need to direct and stick the important facts in the statement.

4. Attach Proof Against Your Claims

In the findings and analysis portion, you must give proper evidence to support your objectives and research question. This will add a claim to what you want to prove through the paper. Therefore, you need to watch some film stills and show it through the theory you seek to establish it with.

In the case of a quantitative study, you can use the numbers to prove your claim and how people seek the film. Hence, you can discuss the whole thing properly in the analysis and shed some of your understanding. You can add some sociological and psychological perspectives, which will put forth a brilliant analysis of the findings.

Disclaimer: Try to write in a very unbiased way and stick to discussing the facts. This will increase the authenticity of your study.

5. Ensure Clear And Concise Written Paragraphs

While writing a paper, you should ensure that you write a clear and concise paragraph. It would help if you stuck to the facts only to keep the discussion to the point. This is mainly because readers are only interested in the information rather than anything else.

Therefore, another factor that comes into the discussion is the organization of the information in the paragraph. Consequently, you can start the section with a topic sentence, which will help you to channel facts and information prosperity throughout the paper. This is because it is the most effective and logical way of presenting your findings to the audience.

6. Edit And Proofread The Paper

Lastly, you must proofread the paper to find grammatical or typo errors. It is important to increase your paper’s readability and it’s over-presentation because your grades depend on your writing mistakes. Also, you need to check the writing flow and tweak certain things to make the paper more beautiful to read.

Moreover, you can give your paper to your friends and family to read. That way, they can help you to highlight the mistakes in the paper, and certainly, you can correct them. Hence, you can increase your chances of getting a good grade for your dissertation paper in class.

Tips And Ideas Gives A Chance To Get An A+

Dissecting a film into words is difficult, especially when researching it. This is because there is a chance that you may take away the emotion and soul of the film while analyzing it. Therefore, it is better to watch movies multiple times and research them a million times to understand their themes and emotions. Consequently, you will build a great film studies paper.




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