The Secret Spy Gadgets of The KGB

kgb hidden camera in pen spy gadget

The once dreaded Soviet spy agency, KGB, responsible for intelligence, counterintelligence, and internal security may be defunct now but its legacy continues. If you are a collector and love spy gadgets, English Russia has got a collection of miniature toys that KGB agents once used (or some may still be using, who knows).

Pictured above is a harmless looking pen that has a hidden camera inside, not bad for something that’s 50 years old.

hidden gun in lipstick kgb spy gear

Pictured above is a lipstick that conceals a 4.5 mm gun, not powerful but enough to get any female KGB spy out of trouble.

hidden gun in smoking pipe

Above is a cool looking smoking pipe that also has a hidden gun, it can kill you by either giving you cancer or putting a bullet in your hear.

Head over to EnglishRussia for a few more cool KGB spy gadgets.



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