Meet the Shadow Drone That Can Fold Into Size of Smartphone

Here’s a fun drone design that may entice you. If you are a fan of spy movies, you may see the great appeal behind this. For those who watch films like James Bond or Mission Impossible, you would know a staple in the spy genre are gadgets. And not big, bulky gadgets too. These are small, inconspicuous, and can fit in anyone’s pocket. When you need the item, you take it out and it transforms into what it’s advertised.

Smartphone Chameleon:

Well, a drone has a similar approach, with it being able to transform to mimic a smartphone. Yes, the Holy Stone HS160 Shadow FPV RC Drone can fold itself into the size of a smartphone when not in use.

The portability factor would be insane. Being able to slim down to a smartphone basically eliminates any hassle in transport. You can carry it in your bag, jacket, or even pocket. Just like what you do to any phone. Meaning you will never have to have second thoughts about whether you should bring it somewhere. Taking the Shadow drone along with you is as basic as bringing your phone. You can have a drone at your disposal while dealing with absolutely no storage problems.

Aside from the major portability factor as an upside for the Shadow drone, it also has a few other things to offer. It has a 720p camera built in, giving you great footage for a small (and relatively cheap) device. Control-wise, you can use your smartphone for navigation. This can give newer users an easier time to adjust and learn how to control the drone. Another user-friendly factor is its One Key Start/Landing feature. Meaning you get easy-to-learn controls while still having a great drone at your disposal.

If you are looking for a drone to start, and you want one that doesn’t take up a lot of space, this may be for you. The Holy Stone HS160 Shadow FPV RC Drone could be yours for $90 on Amazon.




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