Angry Birds Plush Hats

There is a famous saying that says, “Getting angry won’t solve any problem”. But if you are angry at something and feel that something needs to be done about it, then there is a perfect solution for it. Unlike the game where you can go ballistic on stuff, kicking around office furniture is not the best way to express your emotion as it may even get you into deeper trouble. Simply put on the Angry Birds Plush Hat and send clear and loud message about your frustration. Not only do these cute hats symbolize your inner anger, but also keep your head and ears warm in chilly weather.

These hats will come particularly handy if you are in a non-unionized organization. The staff can collectively express their displeasure against a certain policy by wearing these hats. These hats are available from Think Geek for $19.99.

Angry Birds Plush Hats




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