Watch Intel’s 50th Anniversary Drone Show In Folsom

In a recent article, we talked about Intel’s big plans for its 50th anniversary. With their amazing Shooting Star drones, they have dazzled audiences around the world. Now, they plan to do it in their home floor, while breaking a World Record while they are at it. Intel for the past few years have slowly – but surely – seized the market on drone displays. They have nearly perfected the art of night light shows, using their powerful drones.

Folsom Drone Show:

They currently plan on showing off their 1,500 drones in Folsom, Sacramento. Locals at the event recorded the video, and via, the world can now see the grandeur. Even for a second, one can easily see the upsides of drones over fireworks. They make less (to none at all) noise, which often startle pets and people alike. They have no smoke, and they are less of a fire hazard than firework combustions. From a visual standpoint, see for yourself the difference between fireworks and drone shows.

You can easily tell the difference, and appreciate the results.

So what should we expect from drones going forward? Well, Intel may end up surprising us all. Drones have started integrating themselves in all levels of society. Workplaces have started getting drones to help make a more efficient process. Police and firefighters use them to help with emergency situations on the field. Parks and forests worldwide started using these flying machines to help with missing persons reports.

Drones have evolved from just mounted cameras that can fly. Sure, you can still use them as such, but they have capabilities that go beyond that of recording. Drones are saving lives, helping keep workplaces accident-free, and best of all, they are affordable. Aerial coverage before could only be achieved through helicopters. News through chopper visual has been a common theme. But now, thanks to drones, anyone can get that view with smaller budgets to work with.




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