Virus Eliminating Desk Lamp

Even if you are not a chronic Mysophobic (germophobic), it is good hygiene that your place of work is free of germs. There will always be a few germs here and there, but you should try to keep it to a minimum. My main concern would be the incoming mail because I don’t know who has touched it or licked it.

The Virus Eliminating Desk Lamp was developed, keeping that in mind. This is the air-purifying desk lamp that claims to eliminate up to 99.99% of viruses, allergens, and bacteria. At the base of the lamp is a vent with a built-in fan that spreads hydrogen and oxygen ions that are harmless to human beings, but annihilates things like Staph, the flu, and MRSA by penetrating their membranes and destroying their DNA and rendering them incapable of reproduction. The lamp will also get rid of some unpleasant smells such as tobacco smoke, allergens, and some nasty compounds that are usually associated with paints and furnishings. The fan does not require a filter, and it merely plugs into the wall. The fan will treat up to 175 sq. ft. area. It has 42 LEDs that cast bright, white light; equivalent to the illumination produced by a 75-watt incandescent bulb. The lamp has a three-level dimmer and tilts for custom light projection. LEDs last up to 50,000 hours. Plugs into AC. 17″ H x 2 1/3″ W x 2″ D, and weighs 3.3 lbs. It will cost you $299.99




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