Virtual Reality Technology To Help in Testing Drones

Say goodbye to crashed drones and broken parts. To even further push the world of drones into the future, Massachusetts Institute of Technology may have found the next step. Engineers at MIT started integrating virtual reality technology with drones. This may be the key to one of drones’ biggest concerns – testing. Yes, drone manufacturers to test out new drone ideas can use this virtual playground.

This leaves the real world with more data on drones, with less time spent on repairs, broken features, and workplace accidents. Yes, the goal of this virtual reality experience not only helps save drones from damage. It also helps drones in environmental scenarios without putting it in the field. The user themselves can use this VR system to train in drone use. It is a win-win for everyone involved.

Virtual Reality Drone Testing:

This system revolves around a device called Flight Goggles to use in the experience. It is basically a virtual reality headset where you see yourself from a drone’s perspective. This can change as well, from first person to third person views. Think of it as a video game in today’s era. You hold the controller in your hands while your wear the VR headset. In the headset you can control it as if you are controlling a real life drone.

The old alternative to this VR experience is actually a tedious one. It involves the actual creation of a test site for the drones. These sites often involved safety features like nets and screens, to ensure the drone won’t crash and burn while testing. This left a lot of expenses on the table for drone manufacturers. It even left a larger hole in the pocket if even with all the safety features, the drone still managed to receive damage. Testing has been a game of trial and error, with a whole lot to lose while trying to gain data.

This new VR system can make that testing phase a complete thing of the past. Everything is virtual, meaning you can break as many eggs as you like. This pushes the limitations for drones, since damage is no longer an issue. This also means the environment can change depending on the drone’s needs. Drivers can also use this to learn how to better control drones.




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