Unico Smartbrush – Brushing Teeth 2.0 for the Lazy Generation

For those that look after their oral hygiene, they probably brush their teeth once or twice a day. And it probably lasts about a minute or so although dentists recommend three minutes. But these days, it seems that even brushing out teeth is taking too long so here we have the Unico Smartbrush. According to their calculations, we spend 200 days of our lives just brushing our teeth….interesting way to look at it.

This mouth guard looking tooth brush is supposed to take just three seconds to completely brush your teeth and leave them feeling fresh and clean. Does it really work? We don’t know yet because it’s currently being crowd funded over on their Kick Starter campaign. They’ve already gone well over their funding goal so the project is a GO! The Unico Smartbrush performs circular movements which is recommended by dentists. The mouth piece comes with ergonomic and flared brushes which allow the brush to reach all of the exposed surfaces of the teeth and the interstices between the teeth without causing any damage to enamel or the gums.

The unit comes in various sizes because not everyone has the same size mouth. Apparently there is a correlation between one’s height and the size of their mouth. The largest size is for people over 170cm (5′ 7″) and the smallest is for people between 125cm to 139cm (4′ 1″ to 4′ 6″). UV lamps is used to kill bacteria that may be collected on the brush after the brushing process. The Unico Smartbrush is availalbe for  €99.




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