License Fees for UK Drone Owners Soon to Come

Flying drones may soon be a pricier hobby. Now, drone authorities may add license fees amounting to £16.50 per year in the United Kingdom. The annual fees would cover the various new tests and registrations required for drone owners to fly their toys. If your drone weighs more than 250 grams, you may have to wait until you finish your paperwork before you can fly.

UK Drone Regulations

This is but a new addition to the growing requirements to fly drones in the UK. First, you have to register your drone online before you can fly. Here, you would take a competency test to see if you are familiar with the rules. Next, your drone will have a license plate that ties it with your name. This part hopes to increase the accountability of owners to their drones during flight.

Yes, it seems drone regulatory boards all over the world want to add more and more hoops for civilian owners to navigate. A good reason for the tightening scheme in the UK alone is the alarmingly increasing number of drone incidents in airports.

Fees and Flights

During the past year, airports all over the UK faced drone sightings that not only disrupted flight schedules, but endangered lives as well. A majority of these incidents take place within a kilometer of airports. Before authorities arrive to investigate the scene, the drone and its owner are long gone. Using these stricter regulations, as well as drone ownership registrations, people may think twice before flying inside airports.

Nevertheless, isthe price of admission too much? Will these rigid tests deter not only the irresponsible flyers, but also drone owners in general? With these regulations making it harder for people to even get a drone off the ground, is it too much of a hassle for the reward? Is flying a drone worth all the paperwork, fees, registrations, and the like?




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