The Internet and What It Is Doing For You

Since the internet was invented in the early 90’s, it has become everything to everyone. For something that doesn’t really ‘exist,’ the internet and its effects certainly feel real, don’t they? We cannot ignore the impact of the internet – and right now, it’s taking over. How so? Let’s take a look, it’s certainly doing a lot for us!

The internet is taking over the current workplace. Businesses usually use a smaller work-based internet – ‘intranet’ – to communicate and work within a business. A workplace finds the biggest impact of the world wide web through email that allows inbound and outbound communication. Can you imagine performing your job without email? Even then, the internet has created cloud-based businesses with no real physical presence at all. All the tools that a business needs to succeed can be found online, which is pretty crazy to think about. A business makes connections online, it sells online, and it learns online – the internet has changed things forever for businesses based both online and in the real physical world.

Amazon is one of the businesses boosted the most by the internet. The hold that Amazon has on the world is incredible and awe-inspiring. This old internet bookseller has become the first name in shopping and is growing day by day. Amazon moved to selling general goods a number of years back, but is now revolutionizing online shopping. Amazon’s Prime service began as a one-day delivery subscription, but can now deliver within hours with Prime Now. Prime also offers TV shows and all sorts – including music. If you’re looking for an example of how the internet has changed shopping, just look at what it has done for Amazon.

The internet is also a big place for learning. Its original use, in fact. Pages like Wikipedia sprung up, with crowd-source editing and it’s now the first name in online learning – covering topics such as the Hypodermic Needle Theory to the history of Nike. However, you can also do some serious learning. If you wanted to gain something like a Masters Degree in Organizational Leadership, you can – most Universities offer online courses, so your learning can be real and accredited. Podcasts are also another child of the internet and offer a lot of learning across a number of subjects.

If the internet has been big for one thing, it was communication. Communication the world over has been vastly improved by the internet, so much so that it might be getting a bit much! We are always connected to the internet. Sites like MySpace allowed us to create profiles to represent us on the internet and this involved into Facebook, where our profiles can connect and communicate. In fact, people use the built-in messaging app on Facebook more than they do text messaging. Web-based apps like Whatsapp are also huge. Blogging and micro-blogging via sites like Twitter also allow us to share thoughts, opinions and join communities. The internet hasn’t stopped revolutionizing the way we talk and think, and it won’t stop!

Photo: Pexels




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