The Coat Check Chair – Design meets closet Space

A unique idea that was once a student project, is now coming to life. Joey Zeledon, the artist behind this chair, worked on several projects while attending school but this was his favorite idea and he wanted to make it a reality.

The idea behind this chair, is to basically put your extra hangers on the chair, making a comfortable seat. Although the seat is made out of the hangers you put on there, it is comfortable to sit on and stand on, when the hangers are placed in a tight group. You can simply slide your extra hangers onto the chair, flat side facing up, and create your own masterpiece. Ideally, this chair can be used in your closet, bedroom, studio or hotel. Since this chair fits regular plastic tubular hangers, you can choose your colors and design a unique chair. The chair frame also comes in 7 different colors so you can customize it to your taste. The goal of this design is to encourage tidiness in your closet space, so you don’t have dangling extra hangers getting in the way. It’s also a good way to always have extra hangers on hand for when you buy new outfits.

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The design features welded rings right above the legs to prevent the hangers from sliding off. This chair is easy to put together and is light weight. It’s made of high-quality material with minimum damage to the environment. The Coat Check Chair is currently being crowd funded on Kickstarter with less than a week to go.




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