The 6 People You Need in Your Corner When You Start a Business

Starting a business is one of the most exciting things you can do in your life. The potential to work for yourself and make more money than you would have in a regular career is often too tempting to pass up. However, not everything in the business building process is as glamorous as television and movies make it out to be. You will face many obstacles during your journey, many of which require a specific type of person to handle. Therefore, the following list includes some of the most important people you need in your corner when starting a business. 

An SEO Expert 

Perhaps the most common mistake new business owners make is relying only on their marketing to bring in customers. Although marketing does have its place in business, it’s certainly not the whole equation. What you’re going to need to succeed is an SEO expert, no matter if you’re a brick and mortar location. What exactly is SEO? SEO stands for search engine optimization. For example, large pet companies will often insert keywords within their site that are usually searched for by pet lovers. So if someone with a dog is looking for a water bowl, then by adding those keywords to your site, you are then positing yourself higher in their search results. An SEO expert can provide you with the expertise needed to rank your products higher on popular search sites and your location. 

An Attorney 

Starting your own business comes with a whole lot of legal obstacles to jump through. Therefore, you must find yourself an attorney that knows how to navigate the early legal stages of a business. One of the best examples of an attorney we came across when researching this article was Cory Briggs, a San Diego small business attorney. Briggs not only specializes in helping the little guy; he comes out and says it on his website. He says that his law firm “has always been dedicated to fighting for the underdog.” This is precisely the kind of person you want in your corner.

A Mentor

You’re going to run into many obstacles during your first few years in business, and you will make some mistakes. Although mistakes are apart of the growing and learning process, it doesn’t mean you should attempt to skip a few. One of the best ways to do this is to work with a mentor, preferably someone who’s been in your business line before. This mentor will provide you with insights regarding the business and hopefully help you avoid costly mistakes down the road. 

Tax Professional 

Perhaps the biggest headache for new business owners in navigating through their company’s tax filing process. Filing your taxes as a new business owner is a daunting task. It should not be attempted without a professional’s aid. A tax professional can help you determine what type of tax bracket you’re going to be in, whether that’s an LLC or sole proprietorship—having someone in your corner who understands the complicated world of tax filing can save you thousands in penalties and fees. 

Web Developer

Let’s think back to the last time you wanted to check out a company. It’s safe to assume that the very first thing you did was check out their website to learn more about them. The reality is that now you’re going to be in that spot. Is your website going to be professional and efficient enough for users to keep researching you, or are they going to simply exit out? A web developer can help you create an easy to use and informative webpage. In addition to creating a great website, they will also serve as someone to rely on when you experience bugs or too much traffic during sales. 

The Cheerleader

No, we don’t mean a literal cheerleader with pom-poms but rather someone who will be there on a more personal level. This person can be your wife, brother, sister, friend; it doesn’t matter as long as they are there to lift you up when things get rough. The fact is that business can be brutal sometimes, and having someone there who isn’t your employee to talk about things is undoubtedly an invaluable person to have in your corner.




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