Struggle for Privacy: Are Companies Ready to Tackle Threat Landscape?

Cybersecurity is always a hot topic in this ever-growing digital world. Ever since the start of the internet, cybersecurity has had an important role. As digital technologies and the web change, so do the security standards. It’s a continually evolving industry that will never stop being relevant.

There are more threats than ever in the digital world. Hackers and other cybercriminals develop new approaches, technologies, and tools to track individuals and steal their assets. The consequences are severe, especially today when people store business and personal data online.

At the same time, the use of IoT devices extends threats even into the physical world. You might think that these things have everyone pay close attention to online security. However, the total financial damage caused by cybercrime is expected to reach $6 trillion per year by 2021.

Securing All Networks is a Never-ending Problem

Hackers never sleep. They are constantly looking for new ways to breach security layers and get access to sensitive data. They are more active than ever. In fact, statistics show that cyber-attacks happen every 39 seconds.

What’s troubling is that most of them get away with it because they manage to stay ahead of software companies, security software, and network protocols. Security agencies and hackers are always in a race – the former is trying to add new impenetrable security measures, and the later are trying to find their weaknesses.

As soon as a company updates its software, the bad guys can find new flaws in their protocols, devices, or networks to achieve their goals. Companies and individuals are looking to secure themselves with technologies available. While you might find antivirus tools as a straightforward deal, most companies fail to improve access control. Another gap is the data transmissions and communications between colleagues. Instead of relying on the innate encryption protocols of the web, companies need a VPN. In addition to using VPNs for work, recommend that employees use them on their personal devices. For instance, Atlas VPN for phone is the way to secure all communications that happen on-the-go, especially if users tend to connect to public Wi-Fi spots.

Even though these are good practices, organizations need to have a full-blown security strategy that takes all of their digital assets into account. Simply put, there’s no point in securing your passwords and adding two-factor verification if your network is unsecured.

Companies aren’t Working with Cybersecurity Experts

People working on the IT frontlines, including team leaders, are often very serious about cybersecurity. However, the problem is in the fact that executive teams often don’t have the same view of online security.

Around 70% of security experts agree that the leading executives in their organizations don’t know enough about security. It’s a big issue since they are the important decision-makers who call the shots.

That’s why companies need to have experienced security professionals that take a high position within the company. They will be able to consult with the management on all their important decisions and see potential security issues.

Less than 10% of companies have security executives. At the same time, about 1/3 of companies have cybersecurity experts working within their IT departments. On the other hand, over 55% don’t work with IT security experts inside or outside of their organization.

Most Companies aren’t Giving Security Training

You might think that companies are at least training their employees in cybersecurity since they’re not talking to professionals. But in reality, security experts say that only 27% of companies invest in cybersecurity training in the UK.

On the other hand, over 60% of company leaders say that they would consider giving cybersecurity training to their employees. In most cases, they reject this idea and feel that they will waste a lot of money without any returns.

Furthermore, they don’t have any other plan and feel that their employees should have their initiative to secure themselves. Using a device connected to the internet is one thing, but there are various sensors, wearables, and IoT devices that companies have. These are newer devices that can also present a security risk. Most people know even less about how to use them safely, which is a major liability that could cause a lot of issues down the line.

Service Providers Aren’t Investing in Security

Everyone uses various online services today. No matter if we’re talking about apps, social media, streaming services, SaaS, or cloud storage, many security threats can affect customers. But the sad part is that most of those companies don’t care about this security. When the scandal about Facebook’s misuses of user data came to light, users weren’t helped or compensated in any way.

Facebook was fined a certain amount, and the company was forced to promise that they won’t do similar things in the future, and that’s it. As we use various services today, we are directly exposed to various underlying security issues. Hence, organizations and individuals need to implement their security strategies and ensure that their data isn’t misused or stolen through these services.


Companies and individuals alike aren’t investing enough in online security. At the same time, the threats are growing daily. Organizations need to take their cybersecurity seriously and develop well-rounded strategies to protect their assets and future growth.




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