Sony Contact Lenses – The Future is Creepy

We are living in a very strange world at the moment. A mysterious transformation has taken place over the past 120 years or so. The industrial revolution paved the way for a technological revolution and a branch of the technological revolution is the digital revolution. Before you know it, even paper money will be phased out and we might end up using a universal digital currency so the enslavement of mankind can continue. Some people look forward to that day although I personally think that’s a terrible idea. Advancements in technology are occurring at an extremely fast pace and an example of this is the patent Sony has been awarded to record videos via contact lenses.

While Google continues to work out the kinks of Google Glass, these advanced contacted lenses will eventually give the user the ability to start recording a clip of their surroundings simply by blinking their eye to activate recording. The data storage and image capture technology will be in the iris of the lens. There is even a generator that will power the device by “simply” using the movements of the eye. I can’t imagine the first batches of the contact lens being too practical or comfortable but it’s a work in progress.

If Sony was able to actually make it work, the uses can be applied to countless industries from civilian to military. We already have the entire Internet at our finger tips but now imagine it in our field of vision with access to relevant data on hand. Maybe your wife wants to watch a terrible movie with you but what she doesn’t realize is that you’re actually watching another movie via your awesome contact lenses. Perhaps the age of computers and mobile devices is nearing its life cycle?

As cool as it sounds, there are also many drawbacks. First of all, I can already see the privacy issues that would arise from such a device. Not only the privacy of others but once you have these, your personal life could potentially be “hacked”. And can you imagine pop-up ads while you’re enjoying your walk or jog? How terrible!

All this is probably many years away but it looks like there are people working out the details of such a device.




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