Solar Power Air Purifier

Air purifiers are not only beneficial for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, but also extremely valuable for general public in this age of industry and traffic congestions. Dust, pollen, dander, mold spores, and dust mite feces can act as allergens, triggering allergies in sensitive people. Smoke particles and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can pose a risk to health. Exposure to various components such as VOCs increases the likelihood of experiencing symptoms of sick building syndrome.

Fortunately, with the advancement in technology, air purifiers are becoming increasingly capable of capturing a greater number of bacterial, virus, and DNA damaging particulates. Air purifiers are used to remove or reduce the concentration of these airborne contaminants and can be useful for people who suffer from allergies and asthma

The Portable Solar Air purifier boasts to have a quadruple purifying effect to clean the air in your home, car or office with an effective range of between 10 and 20 square meters that will provide you with clean refreshing air for a healthier environment. The device comes complete with a range of built in air fixing tools, including active carbon HEPA, an ozonator, Anion and ionizer and general filters for a variety of contaminants. The active carbon filter will also scrub the air of any smoke and smells such as cooking and pet odors while the ozone disinfection and fragrance function make a more enjoyable and pleasant atmosphere. With anion concentrations of 15 million parts per cubic meter this ingenious device will increase the air quality while the negative ions get to work disinfecting the air and inhibiting the growth of smelly bacteria.

The device comes in a very graceful shape with a built-in 600 mAh rechargeable battery and a polysilicon solar panel as well as an option for a DC power input.

The purifier will cost you around $60.





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