Rainbow Candles Set – The Flames Of Heaven

You normally wouldn’t associate fire with heaven but you would if the flames were colorful like the rainbow! Candles and variations of it have been used for thousands of years and only recently humans decided to put a new twist on a classic. I’m sure it was a pretty big deal when scented candles were available on a mass scale to everyone. And now, someone decided to add color to the flames of candles? Pretty sweet if you ask me.

Thanks to chemistry and science, the Rainbow Candles Set features a flame that is bright and vivid in color much like a rainbow.  The candles are made with a ring of combustion control and the colors are made possible by using flammable materials that burn different colors. The candles have inside of them copper, potassium, lithium, and sodium which cause the flame to change color. It’s a simple and effective approach.

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The various colors combine to create a rainbow effect which will last five minutes.  Yes, unfortunately it will only last five minutes. After that, it becomes just like any other candle for another 120 minutes. The Rainbow Candles Set will cost you $49 for a pack of three. I personally would not pay such a steep price for a 15 minutes of colorful flames.




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