RadioPlane’s Seeker Drone can Search for Landmine and Gold

Drones in today’s age and time can detect criminals running away. They can see movement of entire species in areas to further study them. Today’s drones can even detect volcanic activity and collect samples directly from the field.

Truly, what’s next for these drones? Is there a next step even? Have they done everything they could possibly reach?

Seeker of Fortune? Or Seeker of Doom?

A drone named the Seeker Drone from RadioPlane answers that question. This drone’s bragging right does not involve a thermal sensor, a navigation system, or even HD cameras. This drone’s ace in its sleeve is a metal detector. Yes, a metal detector attached to a drone. Why didn’t I think of that?

The Seeker Drone’s branding involves the UAV locating two things: landmines and gold. Yes, you read that right. This right here is a gold detecting machine. Oh if only the folks back in the days of yore. Then they didn’t have to waste their times in streams and mines to get a shot at locating shiny treasure.

Now before you get all your savings and rush into the mountains to hunt gold, you should know that this drone is still… in its theoretical phase. RadioPlane is still on the Kickstarter Campaign stage of development, so you may not see this drone for a few more years.

But hey, a low-flying drone that can find gold (and landmines which you know, might save lives) would be a thing to see.

Based on descriptions and goals for the Seeker Drone, this one has the whole shebang. Advanced navigation, dodging system, real-time reactions to obstacles; you can be sure it will fly and stay there. The drone can also be described as a Swiss Army Knife (or Swiss Army Drone, but hey.) The developers plan on the Seeker to be an all-around drone capable of equipping different tools depending on the user’s needs. That includes the metal detector, a camera, lights, thermal vision, and all that. Apart from being able to carry all these, the drone is also allegedly able to perform all actions from the tools simultaneously.

But like I said before, it’s still in its incredibly early stages. All we can do now is sit and wait (and maybe back the Kickstarter up if you are really interested). For hunting gold (and landmines), I guess we still have to do it the old fashioned way.




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