Lekue Pasta Cooker – Take Boiling Water Out Of The Equation

Pasta can be easy or you can make it all fancy-like. For the bachelor geek, I’m going to go with the simple and easy pasta as one of our go-to dishes when hunger strikes. Simply put, pasta is awesome but when we got things to do, who wants to wait for the water to boil? It’s even worse when you are expecting to water to come to a boil any second now but it just sits there… steaming. Thanks to the Lekue Pasta Cooker, you can now skip the pot all together. The Lekue Pasta Cooker will let you cook pasta in your microwave!


The device is essentially a pot and a strainer built into a one piece pasta cooker and cuts out the wait time for the boiling water. It’s specifically designed to wash, cook, and drain your pasta within one device and the lid comes with a colander. Now you can have your delicious meal faster and one less dish to clean. It’s simple enough to use. You simply put your pasta and the appropriate amount of water in the device, set the right time on the microwave, and you’re done. And done, in a matter of a few minutes, a plate of pasta is ready to serve.

The device is also designed in such a way that water will not overflow while it’s cooking in the microwave. This is ideal for college students, single people, and lazy people. You can cook all types of pastas such as boxed stuff, fresh pasta, long, short, etc. The Lekue Pasta Cooker is available on Amazon for only $28.50.




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