LavvieBot S: The Smart Litter Box for Stinky Cats

If you are a cat owner, you know litter boxes are dirty and smelly and you have to change it almost every day. My neighbor’s kids recently got a cat and she constantly complains to me about the smells and the constant litter box changes she isn’t used to. With the LavvieBot S, you can have peace of mind about your cat’s health and the litter box.

What is the LavvieBot?

Created by Taegu Noh, CEO of PurrSong, specifically for monitoring urinary health for cats, it monitors how much your cat goes per day as well as cleans each time your cat excretes. You can set a timer through the app to decide after how much time you want the LavvieBot to clean after each excrement. The waste drawer can collect the excrement for up to 3 weeks and if lined with a plastic bag, you can simply pull out the bag and throw it away. Much easier than the alternative.

The LavvieBot also has extra storage room for 6.5L of litter so it automatically refills the litter after each cleaning session. Through the PurrSong app, you can monitor your cat and get important info. Through this app, you can also check if there is enough litter, if the waste drawer needs to be emptied, you can set the temperature, and adjust the timer for cleaning after each excrement. With this app, you can also track how many times and how long it takes your cat to use the LavvieBot to monitor your cat’s health. If you have a more than one cat, the LavvieBot can differentiate between the cats based on their weight, if it differs more than 1.5lb. You can also get a notification through the app each time your cat uses the LavvieBot.

This smart lavatory is sure to keep your home clean, free of smells, and provide privacy to your cat. The LavvieBot is currently being crowd-funded on with an estimated delivery date of April 2020.




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