Delivery by Drone: International Orders Coming

Drone delivery is a growing industry with new breakthroughs every day.

Iceland for instance has started to improve their internal delivery methods with the use of drones. In time, they hope to utilize delivery drones fully, while eliminating the older forms of cargo transfer.

Drone Delivery

While a future of delivery fully dependent on drones may seem like decades away, it may actually be closer than you think. Right now, internal drone deliveries (within cities, counties, etc.) are starting to become more common. With the advances in drone battery life, the range of these delivery drones increase, creating more ways to reach potential customers. While drones currently can only deliver within a short range, soon you may actually see international deliveries done through drones.

The Balance of Battery

But of course, battery life is still a major factor in determining whether a long distance trip is possible. Without a longer battery life, or the presence of charging stations on the route, a drone can only fly for so long. Drones would require powerful batteries to travel longer, as well as have access to maintenance stations to refuel. While these stations may be plausible in local deliveries, it puts into question international travel, especially over water.

Regarding Regulations

Battery life is not the only factor when it comes to these long distance deliveries. International deliveries would require two sets of drone regulations – one from its point of origin and another in its destination. These drone regulations may differ country to country, and can create problems in the journey.

Item limitations would also be a main factor for these longer journeys. The item’s weight can affect the battery drain, and can significantly lessen a drone’s flight range. Currently, drone deliveries can transport small, lightweight items such as fast food to their customers. With these limitations in mind, can drones fully takeover the transport scene?




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