How To Worry Less When Your Kids Travel Overseas

While you may be used to worrying about your children when they head out the door to go about their daily routines, your concern jumps to a whole new level when they’re taking a trip abroad. It’s natural to stress about all the ways they can get themselves into an emergency situation overseas.

Fortunately, many parents have been in your shoes before, so there are plenty of tried-and-true preparations you can make to ensure your kids successfully handle almost any challenge when traveling. Here are three tips to ease your mind when your kids travel internationally.

Have a Money Plan

Whether it’s a transportation issue or a medical situation, the need for extra cash is often at the top of the list when your child encounters difficulties while traveling. Because sending them off with a lot of extra cash is an unsafe and impractical option, you should plan how you’ll get money to them quickly when they need it.

Downloading an international money transfer app puts peace of mind in your pocket. Opt for a trusted service that lets you send the funds your kids need in virtually any global currency. With the right provider, paying for emergencies is one less thing you’ll have to worry about when your children travel.

Make Copies of Key Documents

Dealing with a lost wallet at home is a big enough issue, but when your identification, credit cards, and other vital documents go missing overseas, it’s all the more challenging. That’s why it’s a good idea to make copies of everything before your kids take off.

Scan important items like passports, visas, vaccination records, and birth certificates so copies are readily available in both printable and digital formats. Keep a record of credit and debit card numbers, along with the contact phone numbers for each issuer, to make replacement easier.   

Teach Them Security Basics

While trouble can arise even a block from home, being in unfamiliar territory often ups the chances of someone falling prey to accidents, thefts, and other mishaps. Younger, less experienced travelers tend to be naïve about safeguarding themselves and their belongings, so teaching them ways to avoid trouble is critical.

Start by instructing them to keep hotel doors bolted, to use travel locks to secure luggage, and to use in-room safes to protect their documents. Remind them to always travel in groups or pairs and to use only trusted forms of transportation, and encourage them to follow their instincts before getting into any situation that doesn’t feel right to them. Lastly, ask your kids to send you updates to their itineraries as soon as anything changes, and arrange for them to text or email at regular intervals so you know they’re safe.

Now that you’ve gotten some tips to prepare your kids for traveling safely overseas, you’ll be far less worried the next time they head off. You’ll be ready to bid them a heartfelt “Bon Voyage,” knowing you’ve done all you can to set them up for a successful stint abroad.




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