eWind Solutions Drone Next Step for Wind Power Generation

Drone technology may be the future of many fields in today’s world. Energy generation for example has depended on coal, fossil fuel, and in recent times, solar and wind energy. These involve large constructs that take a lot of time and funding to erect. In the field of wind energy, the most common tool to harness wind power is a turbine. These massive wind turbines often find action in parts of the world with strong gusts on a regular basis.

While it creates energy, wind turbines have a lot of problems facing them. For one, these turbines are very large, and planting them down takes a ton of effort. Having a few set can also get pricy, and maintenance is also another source for more funding. In colder areas where wind is abundant, another problem is icing of the turbines themselves. These need to be addressed on a regular basis if the owners do not want the entire turbine to fail.

eWind Solutions Drone

A drone created by eWind Solutions may be the next step in this wind power problem. The idea this company has is a simple one – have a drone in place of a massive wind turbine. The drone acts like a kite, bracing against the wind, and tethered to the ground below. It can then generate power from the wind while still having mobility.

This idea has a ton of benefits. For one, as mentioned above, mobility would be easier. Having a flying drone can ensure you can place it at the most effective spots. Turbines when planted stay there indefinitely. Another thing is the height the drone can reach. Winds can get stronger the higher the elevation, and even though turbines are gigantic as they are, they still cannot compete with actual aircrafts. A drone can elevate upwards higher than any turbine can.

The drone by eWind Solutions hope to generate a target of 45,000 kilowatts annually, in an attempt to compete with mainstream energy sources.




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