Your Own DYI Solar USB Kit

Here is your chance to learn and produce something that will go a long way towards a more renewable, sustainable, and greener energy system and less dependence fossil fuels. Nature has endowed us with an enormous source of solar energy; we only need to trap it and put it to use.

This is the Solar Energy Kit will help you to build your own solar panel. The kit has been designed to teach anyone the basics of solar energy on a small scale in easy to follow steps. The kit includes all the materials and tools you need to make a 5V solar panel with 12 solar cells, soldering iron, tabbing wires, solder, frame, a small battery and a USB connector to enable you to put together a solar unit that can charge any of your USB devices. Once you learn the basics, then you are only limited by your imagination to enter the world of numerous projects around the house.

The Early Bird Kit is about $37.




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