The Dakine Party Bucket – Perfect For All Occasions

Summer is a perfect season where people can engage in fun activities, as they enjoy the natural sceneries and the breeze that comes with it. Every time you break from a strenuous activity, you need to chill yourself with a cold drink. With limited refrigeration and cooling facilities, the standard coolers are not sufficient for longer hikes. The Dakine party bucket works well with all 5-gallon buckets to form a cooler that you can transport with a bucket handle. You just need one trip to the drinks store to get your party started.

The nature of outdoor trails and hikes demands flexible equipment that lowers the bulk of the luggage of the teams. Unlike the standard coolers, the party bucket features a lightweight 5-gallon bucket that offers sufficient space without increasing the load. The outer sides of the fabric feature single extensions that one can use to carry other tools other than just the drinks. After the drinks are over, you can fit the sporting equipment into the extensions.

Your ice remains stable even after hours of travel making it suitable for beach parties and outdoor sporting activities. You do not need the regular ice cooler to fill up space in your car, while you just need a few bottles of beer in the ice. Just put some ice in the bucket, throw some bottles and zip the top as you set off to your party destination.

The equipment comes in varying patterns, sizes, and colors allowing you to get the one that suits the event. The eight koozies fitted around the bucket casing comes in handy towards storing your snacks. With a built-in bottle opener, you do not have to carry extra tools to facilitate your party. Whether it is a road trip, a beach party or a hiking trail with friends, pack your drinks in the outdoor bucket.




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