Coronavirus Testing Kits Soon by Drone Delivery

In Ireland, drone deliveries will soon help prevent further spread of the Coronavirus. The country is not new to the idea of using drones for item deliveries. In fact, the country has been testing the possibility of using drone to transport food for years.

Medical Transport

With the current Coronavirus epidemic, the idea of door-to-door deliveries using traditional methods is not optimal. The chance of spreading the disease increases with more close contact between people. Social distancing, isolations, lockdowns, and quarantines have been implemented to help lessen these incidents. Using drones, deliveries of necessities such as food can still be a possibility.

Not only is this safer for the recipients, they also ensure a safer work environment for people handling the packages. Instead of delivering door-to-door and interacting with dozens of people hourly, they can simply stay at a centralized location and manage the drones themselves.

Testing Kits and Prescription

Plans to expand from food delivery have also been in the works. Because of the Coronavirus, society as a whole has suffered from a social disconnection. Instead of going to the pharmacy for medicine, you need one delivered to your home. Drones can help in this regard, being able to deliver medical supplies to your doorstep.

There have also been plans of sending Coronavirus testing kits via these drones. Instead of going to health centers and hospitals for testing, in the coming months, the testing kits will come straight to you. This not only lessens any chances for spread, it also provides access to testing for a wider area.

Of course, this plan is far from perfect. Several factors, such as package weight, distance, accuracy, and delivery times may differ with each delivery. However, with the world’s current emphasis on contactless deliveries, a drone-centric system may just be what the future holds.




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