Cloud Software: Optimizing What Businesses Value Most

Part of running a business is recognizing what sorts of emerging technologies can help you realize your goals. Whether the aim is to lower costs, increase efficiency or boost security, there are abundant reasons why companies need to consider the benefits of cloud computing. Cloud software is optimizing what businesses value most.

Businesses Save Money with the Cloud

One of the impediments that has traditionally kept small and medium-sized businesses from upgrading their back-end and enterprise resource planning (ERP) services has been the issue of cost. Software as a service (SaaS), however, affords non-legacy businesses more options to streamline their internal structure without having to break the bank. Here are a few notable ways switching operations to the cloud can save a company money:

– Since the cloud service provider takes care of logistical aspects, your businesses will not be responsible for purchasing, maintaining or securing its own servers when using SaaS. This saves money upfront and over the long term.

– It usually takes fewer employees to manage the cloud system than it would to operate an on-premise ERP or other platform.

– Good SaaS providers only charge customers for what they actually use. So your company won’t have extra expenses during off-seasons or if it doesn’t need certain features of the cloud software.

Reduce Chances of Being Non-Compliant

Many businesses have to continually worry about if their actions will meet regulatory compliance standards. Since standards are constantly changing, this can be a huge headache for business owners and managers, in addition to a cost if a fine is levied against a company for non-compliance. This issue can be almost entirely eliminated with the cloud. With a cloud-based manufacturing software, for example, companies will receive automatic compliance updates—keeping businesses safer and less likely to fall victim to unintentional non-compliance.

The Cloud Offers Enhanced Security

It might seem logical that an Internet-based service like cloud computing would be less secure than an in-house server. The opposite is actually true. Cloud software is typically more secure than a local server for several reasons. For one, if the SaaS provider is reputable, they will provide their customers with an extremely reliable firewall and other protections. The people who build and work with this software every day—and provide it as a service—are highly incentivized to keep your company’s data safe. It’s actually easier for malicious parties to hack into most local servers, as employees can accidentally introduce a virus that can shut down entire systems or steal vast amounts of data. Putting your company’s data security in the hands of a good cloud software provider can save a lot of time that might otherwise be wasted by repairing security breaches.

Get Real-Time Analytics to Make Smarter Decisions

Business today is all about the numbers. If you can quantify something, you can gain invaluable insights into how your company can be improved to be more efficient. Cloud software is one of the best ways to gain important insights into your business.

Many cloud software services and ERPs automatically collect data for key performance indicators (KPIs). This in turn allows managers and business owners to see exactly how individual employees or certain protocols are performing against each other. This information allows managers to give targeted advice that can help greatly improve efficiency—thus saving money and time for everyone. When paired with performance incentives, real-time KPI insights through cloud software can completely overhaul how a business conducts its workflow.

These are some of the most prominent ways cloud software can optimize business operations. In order to stay competitive in today’s world, organizations need to consider the benefits of cloud software, and how it can completely revamp operations for the better.

Photo by: Chris Potter




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