Cellphone Tracking 101

Cell phones have continued to advance their software over the years. A key component in many cell phones is that they can be easily tracked. This can be a great thing and a terrible thing depending on how you look at it.

Pros to cell phone tracking

In the event of an emergency or an unfortunate situation, it may be beneficial to have direct access to someone’s phone or even your own device. For example, if you lose your phone, you can use someone else’s phone tracker to find it. If a loved one goes missing, authorities could track the cell phone to find that person quicker. Also, if someone committed a crime against you in regards to stealing or breaking into your home, the police may be able to track when and where the people who are close to you were during the time of the crime.

Cons to cell phone tracking

Many people believe that the fact that cell phone companies can easily track our cell phones is an invasion of privacy. Also, with the iPhone, people can track other people in their contact list who have iPhones and have their tracking on. It can make a person feel that there are being constantly being watched. It also has been reported the companies are watching where we are going and sending ads based on previous locations we have visited. To avoid so much tracking, users should make sure to have their location turned off on all apps when possible.

Even though cell phone tracking can be seen as a huge invasion of privacy, it comes with its benefits. Be aware of the risks you take with allowing certain permissions on the apps you use. You never know who has access to that information or who may be trying to follow you.




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