Benefits of Having an Office Brewing Machine and How to Choose the Right One

Keurig, who provides beverage brewing systems for commercial use, are the #1 single-cup brand in North America*. Here is a look at why offices should consider investing in a commercial brewing system.

There is an increased focus of late to provide the best possible working environment for employees. Businesses are trying out many different tactics to increase happiness and productivity in the workplace. It all comes down to improving the comfort, health, and happiness of your employees.

Investing in staff well being is now, more than ever, a priority.

There are many routes to be taken when improving your office, all with the aim of increasing well being through work spaces that employees can engage with and feel comfortable in. One of the simplest ideas is to give staff access to lovely hot beverages through an onsite brewing machine.

It’s no secret that coffee and tea can help by acting as a pick me up that revives flagging work ethic, or that quick nip to the brewer to help stretch your legs. The main benefits are helping to improve the satisfaction of a business’ staff and making them more alert, motivated, and productive during work.

03 Breakroom Keurig ZAPALAC 051

Offering work benefits is a great way of helping retain staff loyalty, and providing a coffee machine is a visible sign of this. Most employees, and potential employees, would agree that a benefit such as free coffee shows that the business is dedicated to the well being of their staff and determined to create a working environment is comfortable.

Small or large, any business is likely to benefit, as employees will recognize the help they are receiving. They will no longer need to go outside and visit their local chain cafe, and can now spend that time being productive at work. Instead, if it’s a chain coffee they want, then that’s now possible with modern day brewing machines. Having a brewer in the office ensures coffee is readily available and eliminates the need for employees to nip out to get a hot drink. Leaving the office, queuing, being served, then returning from your local coffee shop takes time; time that could be spent working.

Once you’ve established that acquiring a coffee machine is the right move for your office, it’s time to decide which type of coffee machine is the best fit.
The amount of people and how often they plan to use the coffee machine should be the main factors in your decision. Getting a brewer too small or too slow would be less than ideal and could even be detrimental to productivity levels.

Ease of use is also important in order to save time and avoid deterring employees from using the brewer. The brewer must be robust and stand the test of time.

Smaller offices could benefit from a high-quality, water refillable, domestic machine with one-touch operation. So, at the touch of a button, a brewer, such as the Keurig® K140 Brewing System, brews a high-quality cup of coffee, tea or chocolate in under a minute.

Keurig K150C Coffee Machine

The Keurig® K150C commercial coffee machine brews the best cup of coffee, tea and more. A perfect coffee machine for medium to large workplaces or food service locations.

Fully programmable to choose your ideal brew temperature, the K150C also connects to your existing plumbing line so your workplace can enjoy one cup after another. The K150C is customisable with various accessories including condiment drawers and K-Cup® pod shelves.

It features a choice of five cup sizes: 120, 180, 240, 300 or 360 ml and is configured to stay on at all times with option to auto-off after 14 hours. It is easy to use with LCD color touchscreen offering multiple languages, as well as an adjustable brew temperature — 86°C to 92°C.

Larger offices require a machine that can brew drinks at a faster speed. A filter coffee machine could be the best option, as it brews a perfect cup of coffee in less than a minute.
People are making coffee at home and in the office, instead of paying extra to buy it out. It seems the public prefer pods that taste like real coffee.

People want convenience, variety, and cost… is a coffee machine the answer.

*Source: The NPD Group/Retail Tracking Service – based on NPD All Channels, by category dollars sales 52 weeks ending 9/30/16




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