7 Tech Companies That Are Changing The Industry

The tech world is constantly changing and evolving. Unless you’re in every tech forum and following all the right people, there’s no possible way to keep up. New businesses often disappear quicker than they were able to start, and others go viral when just getting started. Then there are the ones that aren’t just changing the industry for the better, but some of them are changing the world. 

We’ve become more portable and revolutionized with technology, from smartwatches to capturing usable energy from nature. We have gadgets that can detect gluten in foods and drinks, portable sanitizers in our pockets, and headphones that allow us to convert different languages into our own. 

Technology has made huge advancements in healthcare, our workplace, and how we’re able to communicate and even within our homes. We can shut lights off in our homes while on our way to work. And for the most part, technology has made our lives easier and better. 

We’re able to communicate with people all around the world, shop online without leaving our homes, and get answers to questions without opening a book. And advances in technology when it comes to our health will change people’s lives that are suffering from rare and incurable illnesses with treatment plans and cures. 

Whether you’re looking for affordable stocks or just have a love of technology, you already know that keeping up with these advances can be a full-time job. You’ll find plenty of healthcare devices that are more of a gimmick than advanced technology. But there are so many great gadgets and advancements that will aid in improving your health, cure, and prevent disease. 

Here are just a few companies that are changing the industry and some that can potentially change the world. You’ll want to pay close attention to what they are doing,  

Blinx is one of the fastest-growing video search engines, with over 14 million hours of videos whose goal is to capitalize on the trends. What separates them from Google and Yahoo is the ability to turn speech into text. It will count how many times a specific word is used in a video to target ads based on what they are saying in the video rather than the text they put into the description, title, and category. This takes video marketing to an entirely different level and surpasses the leaders in the industry. 

Therapeutic Solutions International, Inc. is making huge advances in immune technology. And have made major advancements towards a cure for cancer through immune modulation. They’ve created hybrid cells that target cancer cells. And with the discovery of suicide being a biological abnormality, they are making advancements towards eradicating it to protect our children.

Zoom isn’t new, but during the Covid-19 crisis, it became a household name. Not sure if Zoom changed the industry or if 2020 changed Zoom, but we know that the demand for video communications rapidly grew for all types of business and personal platforms. And as one of the leaders in the industry prior, Zoom rapidly grew. 

Bioo is changing the world by taking the organic matter in soil and creating batteries.  Currently, improperly disposed batteries are filling our landmines and releasing toxins into our air. These biological batteries will hopefully be everywhere one day. They hope to power entire cities.

Atara Biotherapeutics has been working towards developing a treatment for patients with rare diseases by targeting the root cause of the condition. Their goal is to treat the patients who have poor prognosis such as autoimmune diseases, blood cancers, and solid tumors. 

Omron Healthcare developed a watch that will monitor your blood pressure and eliminate the need for wires, cuffs, hoses, and trips to Walgreens or CVS. But what makes this even more powerful is that it allows you to have a better understanding of how your lifestyle impacts your heart’s health on a daily basis.  If you’re at risk for heart disease and stroke, this can literally save your life.Suki is changing how healthcare providers work. As a leader in voice technology, they’ve created AI-powered voice solutions that reduce the amount of work for physicians by handling the necessary documents and other administrative tasks.




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