7 Productivity Hacks for Working From Home

If you’re accustomed to working in a traditional office, making the transition to working from home can be tough. That’s why we’re providing some practical tips, techniques, and hacks to help you embrace this shift without seeing a drop in productivity.

1 – Choose the Right Home Office Location

One of the first keys is to select the right home office location. This is especially important if you live with other people – such as a spouse, partner, children, or roommates.

Your home office should be as far away from main living areas as possible. It’s also recommended that you select an office with windows. You’ll be spending a lot of time in this room and natural light will provide both physical and mental health benefits.

Finally, your office should have a door on it. This allows you to obtain even more privacy when you have phone calls and virtual meetings.

2 – Set Some Ground Rules

If you’re living with other people, take the time to set some very clear ground rules for your work-from-home setup. This should include specifics on when you’ll work, when you’re available, how you may be contacted, who is allowed in the office, etc.

If you don’t discuss ground rules up front, it leaves the door wide open for unnecessary distractions and frustration.

3 – Stay Connected to Your Team

“When not done correctly, remote work can isolate people and hamper collaboration,” Bridgepoint Consulting mentions. “This can be compounded by other factors like unresponsiveness, which can cause project roadblocks.”

The best way to avoid isolation and improve efficiency is to stay in constant communication with your direct superiors and the other individuals on your team/in your department. This can be done through a multitude of mediums, including apps like Slack, Zoom, or even an internal social intranet solution.

4 – Limit Digital Distractions

Distractions are the biggest threat to your productivity. They can be especially rampant when you’re living and working in the same environment. Do your best to limit distractions – particularly the digital kind. Tricks include:

  • Block off at least two 60-minute segments per day where all devices are silenced.
  • Log off email while you’re working (or silence notifications)
  • Use a browser plugin to block websites that distract you (like Facebook)

These small tweaks can totally change your level of productivity. Not only will you get more work done, but the quality will be better.

5 – Follow a Schedule

Don’t let the relaxed feel of working from home convince you to be lax with your schedule. It’s important that you continue to maintain a strict, documented routine. This means waking up, starting work, eating lunch, and clocking out at the same time every single day.

For extra accountability, send this schedule to your superior and/or one of your closest coworkers. This provides a little extra motivation – especially when you’re lying in bed in the morning and thinking about hitting the snooze button one more time.

6 – Take Plenty of Breaks

All work and no play makes a remote worker dull and disengaged. Make sure you’re carving out time in your schedule to take regular 10-minute breaks. During these breaks, leave your office. Preferably, you should go outside and get some fresh air. But at the very least, spend time in another part of your house.

7 – Eat the Frog First

Mark Twain famously said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

His point is that you should always do the dreaded tasks first and save the more appealing tasks for last. This prevents procrastination and gives you something to look forward to. With each item you cross off your list, your day gets easier and easier. Thus, your motivation increases, your pleasure is heightened, and your productivity reflects these enhancements.

Become a Remote Working Success Story

Millions of people spend all or the majority of their time working from home. This number has obviously skyrocketed in the last few weeks. But regardless of whether you think you’ll return to a traditional office after the COVID-19 crisis ends, now is a chance for you to learn a new style of working. This ultimately enhances your skillset and makes you a more attractive candidate for future positions. Use this time wisely!




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