3 Cool Tech Gadgets Being Introduced Late 2018

The world of tech is constantly changing, and we can see major advances in just a matter of months. Although the first half of 2018 was highly exciting with its technological trends, there is even more to look forward for the end of the year. Here are three of the coolest tech gadgets being released in late 2018.

Microsoft Surface Pro 6

The Surface Pro has been a success for several years now, but the Pro 6 promises to improve on the already impressive performance of its predecessors. It will have 8 GB of ram, and quad-core 8-thread system that will keep it moving as fast as ever. This is a fantastic portable device that will make work easier for anybody that’s constantly on the go.


While many people are still taking in the stunning picture quality of 4k TV, LG is currently working on an 8k television that will be available soon. This will have the largest and high-resolution OLED panel in existence and is sure to provide us with magnificent phot and video quality to fully immerse you in the show or movie that you’re watching. We are looking forward to seeing just how realistic this experience is going to be.

PROOF Smart Wristband

PROOF is designed to keep you healthy and may even end up saving your life! This is a wristband that tracks the amount of alcohol you drink, both in a single sitting and over time. This can monitor your BAC level, letting you know whether or not it is safe to drive home. It will also keep track of your long-term consumption so that you make smarter decisions involving your health and can help you with cutting back when you’ve gone overboard.




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