The Psychology Behind Drone Sightings

Drones are becoming more and more common in today’s modern world. However, not everyone agrees that it is for the best. Here, psychology may show some clues to the source of all the commotions.

For instance, there are a lot of people who would feel uneasy with a camera hovering over their heads. Even in public areas, the presence of drones may still feel unnerving.

With drones becoming more affordable and available, it can be tempting to fly one frequently. This, however, can lead more to harm than good. It is especially the case if you fly in the wrong places.

Psychology Behind the Fear

How often do you see other people taking photographs? Do you sometimes feel insecure because there is a chance you may be included in the photo, even if it is just at the background? Now imagine that feeling compounded – that is what a flying drone creates.

A drone is not an ordinary camera. It has the ability to fly – for better or worse. With it, the person with the controls can receive recordings and can cover a lot of area. For homeowners, private shop owners, or simply people wanting to mind their own business, a flying drone can be nuisance.

Drones also evoke a fear of the unknown. When one sees a flying drone, they see a camera with wings. What they do not see is the owner. Who owns the drone? What is he looking for in the area, and what does he see while he is operating the drone? Taking these psychology aspects can really make you think. What does it look like from the other side of the lens?

A Watchful Eye

Take the beach for instance. The area may be ideal to fly a drone – you get to see the ocean, open skies, the waves, and the sands. For swimmers, sunbathers, or people in their swimsuits however, they may see your drone as a pest. Issues regarding voyeurism and illegal recording may come up. People come to these public places to relax. Having something watch you from above can make you feel conscious about what you do and how you look.

Beaches can amplify this paranoia. People are on their swimwear, showing more skin than usual. Sometimes, people take even more clothes off for sunbathing. Having a camera flying in the area, hovering above everyone’s heads can make you look like a creep.

The same can be said about private residences. It again boils down to psychology. Nobody wants strangers peeking into the insides of their homes. People may feel self-conscious about the mess, or about the state of their living conditions. In a away, people want their private moments to remain that – private.

Final Words

Nobody likes the feeling of being watched. It is human nature to crave a sense of privacy while they live their lives. A drone can feel like a threat to this sense of privacy, even if the operator means no harm. You can simply be flying your drone with the cameras off, but people may still complain. To avoid these privacy issues as much as possible, it is necessary for the drone owner to do their research. Where can you fly a drone legally in the area? Where are you not supposed to fly your drone?

For travelers, this becomes a paramount issue. Instances involving tourists receiving jail time because of drone flying have happened in the past. These tourists merely wanted to take a bird’s eye view of the location. However, the local officials saw differently. They saw a foreigner with a flying camera – for many places, that can land you in serious trouble. Doing your research not only prevents these issues, it also makes the drone flying more fun. When you are flying your drone, you should not have to feel worried or concerned about doing anything illegal. You should be there to have fun. With proper research on the local area’s rules, you can fly without worry.




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