Pros and Cons of Reselling Hosting

There are numerous advantages and disadvantages associated with reselling web hosting services, and you will need to know what they are before you decide whether or not it’s right for you. The more information you get on reselling hosting the better, as it is not something that you will want to rush into. Reselling hosting services is not for everyone, but you will need to get the facts so you can make an educated decision. A lot of people fail at doing this because they didn’t learn everything they should have before getting started.

Advantages of Reselling Hosting Services

There are quite a few advantages that can come with reselling hosting, and it’s something that a lot of people enjoy quite a bit.

Supplement your Revenue

One of the best things about reselling hosting services is that it can bring in a significant amount of extra revenue if you do it correctly. While not everyone who attempts this sort of business venture succeeds, it is potentially lucrative. If you really need to start making more money on the side, you will definitely want to at least consider this option.

Keep your own expenses low

You can easily resell web hosting services while keeping your own personal expenses to an absolute minimum, which of course means more profit. You can offset your own expenses through the money you make reselling web hosting services, which means that you pay less each month to operate your business.

Selling domain name registrations

It’s also important to keep in mind that you can sell a potentially unlimited number of domain names, which will only add to your additional income. People who need hosting services first need to register a domain name, and that is certainly something that you can help them with, for the right price of course.

An easy way to get into business for yourself

Reselling web hosting services offers people who want to be their own boss a fairly simple and easy way to do so. If you are tired of your traditional job and want to work from home while still making money, this can be an excellent option. Whether you are already an entrepreneur or you are aspiring to be one, reselling web hosting is a particularly great option.

You will be able to do this sort of work part-time or full-time, depending on how much of a commitment you want to make. This means that you can still work your day job while doing this on the side. If you become successful enough, you may even be able to give up your day job entirely.

Disadvantages of Reselling Hosting Services

There are of course some disadvantages to reselling web hosting services, and it is important that you know what they are.

You’ll be “on call” all the time

One of the drawbacks of reselling hosting services is that you will be on call pretty much all the time, including weekends and holidays. Web hosting can be an extremely demanding line of work, so you will need to be prepared for this.

You will have to rely on your own provider as much as your customers

The quality of services that you provide your customers with will only be as good as your own provider. It is incredibly important that you take the time to find the best possible provider so you can keep your customers happy. If you don’t have a very reliable web hosting provider, you probably won’t be a very successful reseller at all.


The fact is that reselling web hosting services can be very lucrative and even fun at times, but it’s a lot of work and not for everyone. You will need to take all of the pros and cons into consideration before making your final decision. The last thing you want to do is rush into this type of work without weighing the good versus the bad. If you are currently looking for a way to supplement your income while being your own boss, hosting reselling can be a truly great option. The more time you take to think about all of this, the better off you are going to be in the end.




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