Olympics Closes With Intel Drone Display

The live events for the 2018 Winter Olympics have been a spectacle in South Korea.

The entire month of February dedicated its focus to the best athletes in the world. As the city of Pyeongchang held the events for this grandiose exhibition, both local and international entities have shown support.

The company of Intel for instance have dazzled the spectators with amazing drone displays. These high tech devices soared through the skies and created colorful patterns and presentations for the world to see.

Olympics Highlights:

During the opening ceremonies, the drones created the Olympics symbol high up in the air. Intel’s Shooting Star System was the mastermind behind the carefully coordinated drone show.

Intel also had prepared a light display for the closing ceremonies of the Olympics. The crowd was once again delighted by a drone display for the final nights of the competition.

A multitude of drones numbering at around 300 took center stage over the Olympic Stadium. Although not as flashy as the first presentation, the crowd still showed their awe and appreciation.

The drones took to the skies and drew the mascot of South Korea’s Winter Olympics: Soohorang, a white tiger. The flying UAVs had LED lights and were carefully coordinated before onlookers in the crowd.

The display took place hundreds of feet above the ground. Weather at the time was opportune for the drone show. This however was not the case at the opening ceremony. Intel had to do the presentation pre-taped a few hours prior.

The massive tiger pattern lit up the sky to the delight of the athletes in attendance, as well as the audience watching the festivities.

“Just like Soohorang, our Intel drones team has a challenging spirit and passion to push the limits and make amazing experiences possible,” Natalie Cheung proclaimed. Cheung supervised the entire drone spectacle and was the general manager for Intel’s operations in the event.

Firework Alternative:

This proves once again the capability of drones as replacements for firework displays. Drones can achieve the same brightness in the sky, as well as the pattern and coordination that fireworks can provide.

The advantage of drones however far supersedes its limitations. Drones do not produce smoke or loud noises compared to fireworks.

Drone patterns can also stay up in the night sky for as long as the drones do not run out of fuel. This is a massive difference with fireworks where they only show up for a maximum of a few seconds at a time.





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