Nano-B Toothbrush – Kill Bacteria With Gold & Silver

No matter how much you clean your washroom, bacteria will run wildly in there regardless. It’s a room that deals with a lot of traffic and a whole lot of grossness. It may look clean after your Sunday cleaning but it’s pretty dirty on a microscopic level. Or if it is clean, it won’t last very long. Believe it or not, your toothbrush is riddled with bacteria and germs …and here we are putting that thing in our mouth thinking it’s fresh and clean. There are some products out there that kill bacteria with light but the Nano-B Toothbrush fights bacteria with precious metals! Gold and Silver to be exact.

While the other guys have toothbrushes made of plastic, the Nano-B Toothbrush has bristles which are infused with silver and gold nano-particles, both of which help in the fight against bacteria. This helps your brush stay clean before it goes in your mouth and after it leaves your mouth. The company also has a charcoal variant which acts as a natural teeth whitening effect without having to use chemicals which make your teeth super sensitive.

The good news is that you don’t need to buy any special toothpaste. The brush is also safe to use for those with sensitive teeth and gums. The Nano-B Toothbrush will set you back $13.95 on Amazon.




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