License Plates May Display Soon In United States Drones

Because of the increasing incidents of near-misses involving drones and airplanes, drastic measures may be set. In the United States, drone users – both recreational and professional – may soon need a license plate to fly.

Yes, this may end up becoming the transition phase for drones to be marked as advanced flying machines instead of mere toys. Toys, albeit, that can fly to the atmosphere with long distance control capabilities.

Drone License Plate Proposal:

With all the recent near-misses at airports, endangering lives of countless people, this may be the solution. Holding drone users accountable would make them less reckless when flying their devices. In these airport and runway incidents, the drone owners rarely face the consequences. Most reports show that they are gone before the police investigation begins. This leaves the airport to deal with the plane delays, rescheduling, and chaos created by a drone scare.

This license plate idea would give drone users a direct link to their drone. It will not be as simple as leaving it behind the scene. Hopefully, this would give them the opportunity to think twice before doing anything reckless. The license plate will show on the drone’s exterior, same as with a car and its driver.

This means cameras catching drones can use the same methods as traffic cams. A sign that points directly to its owner plastered on the drone may be the answer. No longer will we hear on the news that the reported drone was nowhere to be found on site. The idea of spotting a drone and not knowing where it is coming from and who is behind it may be a thing of the past.

Maybe now, responsibility of owning drones can remotely compare to owning a car. That getting a drone that can fly at the same latitude as huge aircrafts have responsibilities. Maybe – just maybe – this may cause more responsible flying at the hands of users.




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