Flosstime – Smart Floss Dispenser

The majority of us brush our teeth at least once or twice a day but what about flossing our teeth? For me personally, it goes in phases. There are weeks where I will floss once or twice per day but then there are weeks where I won’t even bother with it unless I’ve been eating a lot of meat. It’s easy to forget or it’s easy to be lazy when it comes to flossing. If you want to take good care of your teeth but are really forgetful about flossing then the Flosstime is the perfect gadget for you.

Flosstime is the world’s first smart floss dispenser that will help you build daily flossing habits. The Flosstime will easily mount to your bathroom wall or mirror with microsuction tape or an adhesive strip. Once the device is placed on the wall, you simply push a button and Flosstime will dispense 18 inches of gloss which is the recommended amount by the American Dental Association. The recommended 18 inches of floss sounds like a nice little way to get you to use extra floss so you always have to buy more.


Anyways, once the floss has been dispensed, the device will give you a 90-seconds to floss. Blue-glowing quadrants will move clockwise around the circuclar light ring on the Flosstime. Once you’ve flossed, the device will light up with a cute blue smile for a job well done. If you don’t use it daily, an orange light in the form of a frown will appear reminding you that it’s time to floss again. Flosstime can be used by a single user or two people. When in two-person mode, the display is split into two and each half will be used as a separate reminder for each user. Also, if one person doesn’t floss, the other person will know about it.


Cute animal snap-ons are also available for kids to make flossing more fun and entertaining. If your kid forgets to floss, the animal’s eyes will glow to warn/remind them to floss. The Flosstime Floss Dispenser is available on Kickstarter and price starts at $20 but there are various options available at different prices.




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