The DayOne Waterbag – Water Filter Backpack

Drinking water, also known as potable water or improved drinking water, is water safe enough for drinking and food preparation. Globally, 1.8 billion people still use an unsafe drinking water source which may be contaminated and can result in various diseases. Reduction of waterborne diseases and development of safe water resources is a major public health concern in developing countries.

Bottled water is sold for public consumption in most parts of the world but it may not be affordable in many communities. Even in developed countries, water quality may become unacceptable due to levels of toxins or suspended solids after major floods or other disasters.

The DayOne Waterbag is step forward in solution of this global problem. It is a 10-liter, self-contained water purification system bag that meets all emergency drinking water guidelines. The system is equipped with collection, transportation, treatment and storage of water. The bag can hold 9.5 litres of water.

The bag is priced as $79.99. Not only is it essential for your emergency kit in the event of a major disasters, you can also donate it to one of the world organizations and save lives in developing countries.

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