Best Marvel Superpowers to Have in Real Life

Everyone has wished they had a superpower at some point or another. Whether it’s getting your work done quicker in the office or making the chores at home seem a breeze, superpowers would undoubtedly make everyday life that little bit easier, freeing up some much needed relaxation time. Marvel is filled with characters who possess amazing superpowers, let’s take a look at which of those would be the best to harness for real life gain.


“I’d love to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation” – you may have said before – not any longer. With your newfound power invisibility you can strut into any room and hear conversations that perhaps aren’t meant for your ears. Sneak into the White House and hear Obama discussing the world’s most private and pressing issues. Stroll into your favourite football team’s dressing room and listen to the telling off they are getting after their third embarrassing 5-0 loss this season. That’s not to mention some of the great opportunities for a good prank that the power of invisibility affords its possessor.

Super Speed

No more early mornings with the power of super speed in your locker. Roll out of bed a minute before work starts and you’ll still be there on time. In truth you could probably walk out of the door five minutes later having completed ten times what they will manage all week such is your speed. Likewise you can ensure all your chores around the house are completed within seconds, leaving guests astonished at just how immaculate your home always looks to be. You’ll always be on the winning side when it comes to sports too, though you may have to dial it down a little to stop others from noticing.

Time Travel

Many people dream of going to Rome on holiday, well you can go to Ancient Rome and watch the gladiators fight. The world really is your oyster, you can learn all about the history that has gone by, and take and active part in it to, going back in time to change events. Just travelling back a day in time with the lottery results safely stored in your mind is likely to make a big difference to your future. You could even go back and meet your parents and grandparents, finding out all about their lives.


Wouldn’t it be great to know when you were being lied to? As a psychic you would be able to rumble everyone from politicians to used car salesmen, now if that isn’t a superhero then we don’t know what is. You’d also be an expert when it came to poker, always able to tell whether your opponents were bluffing or not.


The regeneration superpower means you needn’t worry about injury again. That niggling sports injury you got from running three years ago is a thing of the past. You might not think it at first, but regeneration will help make you a dab hand in the kitchen. You’ll be able to dice vegetables as fast as you like, no need to worry about catching yourself with the knife, your wound will heal straight away.

Why not head over to Ladbrokes where Marvel features as one of their slots. There’s no doubt that Marvel superheroes would certainly make your day to day life a lot easier, as well as a whole lot more interesting.

Photo: JD Hancock

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