App by DJI Pinpoints Drone Pilot Locations Instantly

The main issue with illegal flying of drones is simple. There is no concrete way to identify the owners while the drone is up in the air. DJI’s new app may soon fix this issue completely.

App for Detection

DJI’s newest creation is an app that can identify owners of drones. The app can also even pinpoint their current locations while the drone is in flight. This can be very beneficial in events such as drones flying over airports.

Usually in these cases, by the time authorities arrive, the drone and its pilot are long gone. This leads to dead ends; cases that never find a resolution due to a lack of evidence. Now, with DJI’s new app, anyone with a smartphone can find the source.

Wifi-Aware Pinpointing

The idea is ‘Wifi-aware’, which means it can track down a drone using its signals. This can prove to be very accurate if the pilot is in the nearby area. This can help many cases of illegal drone use, while also prevent it from happening in the first place.

An issue with irresponsible drone flying is that the pilots do not see themselves in any danger. They can quickly get away with their drone in tow. Without any identification and only a drone sighting, authorities are at an impasse.

More Regulations to Come

Today, drones weighing above 250 grams have stricter and stricter regulations. Before one can even fly a drone, they would have to register and take tests. These tests can check for competency, while registrations create a database of owners. With this database, a drone can be traced back to its original (or registered) owner in an instant.

With heavier fines surrounding these drone penalties, pilots would think twice before flying. It can result in fewer cases of flying in restricted areas. It can also prevent issues such as Peeping Toms or those that want to disrupt crowded areas.




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